Monday, January 27, 2014

Sit back and enjoy the ride.

Today was just a normal day during this Polar Vortex. But I was literally overwhelmed by love today, and I can't even say the love was FOR me. There is a lot going on at my home church at the moment, and its really taking a toll on people. As we come to terms with what is going on, a group is standing up to take lead, and also pray for our task at hand. It is sooo wonderful to see the youth take a part of this. Its not just our leaders, but our young students as well! To see the potential these students and being able to watch them grow is truly an honor. I know this may cause a few to stumble and possibly begin to make people question their faith..  But I also believe this will cause a "Movement" in the students to help them see the potential I (and many of our other leaders) see in them! They will be able to rely on God and lead others. And ultimately, thats the goal right? To pour into others. To have students pour into their peers and start something amazing. God moves in big ways, but sometimes we are so zoomed into whats happening around us that we just need to step back and have a new perspective. Good or bad, God knows EXACTLY what He is doing.

What we WANT may not be what we NEED. So, lets just sit back and let God do the driving (and if you are a backseat driver, do me a favor and relax. Its pretty nice to not worry about everything.)

Random last thought; be kind to anyone you meet today, you never who needs it or what that random act of kinds did for them. I'm not saying go give someone a million dollars or hug a complete stranger. But a nice smile, or a small "pay it forward" could do wonders for people.


P.S. Sorry my thoughts are everywhere, I should probably do an outline on a piece of paper before I actually start typing..

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