Sunday, January 26, 2014

Once again, The Fighting Irish win...

Once again, not the most philosophical post ever, but today Bluetree and Nathan Jess lead church in worship. It was so moving.. To feel Gods presence and see everyone come together as one church body all loving God and praising His name. Although most Sundays involve me going home and unwinding I was able to hangout with Hannah and Marissa. Charlie even joined us for a bit of pizza and fun. Did you know its apparently outrageous that at my age I have never seen the Princess Bride? So, That happened today... Kristin had us over to her house to play games with the Irish folk again.. Listen, we may be super legit in the Olympics, but when it comes to board games, pingpong and outrageous word games, the Irish have us beat.. HONESTLY. WHAT IS THAT?! On the plus side, Hannah finally made a come back for us Americans and beat them at "Boxers or Briefs." Regardless, we had a great time and even though we are on totally different spectrums I feel like I can say I met some new people that I call friends. And thats what its all about isn't it? We aren't meant to deal with the daily struggles of this world alone.. God didn't create us to do that. He wants us to lay our burdens upon him. Matthew 11:30 says "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." The dictionary defines yoke as " a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull." Jesus wants us to share our burden with Him. By that exact definition of yoke, they use two animals TOGETHER to pull the load so it doesn't stress out one, and the workload is a lot easier. Doesn't that just sound better than doing it all on our own? How much can man (or woman) really help us? We are flawed people with the ability to lie, deceive, and hurt others. Not saying that we don't have other great attributes as well, but I like knowing that I have someone I can count on to not let me down or hurt me (more on that later.) I love my friends and I love all you strangers out there that find this blog.

Thanks  for hanging tough with me!

P.S. below are the links for Nathan Jess and Bluetree again :) Really, take a listen.
P.S.S. Ruzzle is a fun game that I found out I can beat them at, nbd.

Nathan Jess's main page
Nathan Jess's Facebook

Bluetree's Facebook
Bluetree main page

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