Thursday, February 13, 2014

Just to vent..

I've experienced a big loss.. No, nobody has died nor have they just disappeared from my life (even though moving across the country kind of feels like they have disappeared.) Very important people that have made a huge impact on my life have uprooted their life here in Ohio, to follow God's will and move to Las Vegas to love on the youth in such a hurting city. WHO COULD BE MAD ABOUT THAT?! No one. Being able to live out Gods word is incredible. I know their lives will prosper out there and they will show Gods love and change lives.

Although I am incredibly happy for them and so proud, I'm hurting. Just a quick insight on me, I have moved literally all of my life. My dad was in the Navy so that required a lot of my childhood years to be spent hopping around from school to school. As I got older and my mom and dad divorced, her jobs had us moving around and then she met someone who lived/ worked elsewhere and thats how I ended up here in Ohio. Was I thrilled? NO. I experienced a lot of dishonesty growing up and a lot of unfaithfulness and when you grow up with that, well, lets just say that confidence and trust isn't always something you have. Lately I have felt extremely abandoned and confused. The clear vision and voice of God has left me. I feel like I'm in the middle of a blizzard and every step is being covered by snow and the footprints God laid out ahead of me are gone before I even think about making my next step. I was catching up on my devotional today (finally!)
The titles were as followed; 
Come to me and Rest
Come to me For Rest
I am above all things
Seek my face 
Trust me Enough
My Peace
I am ever so near you 
Honestly, what better titles!? God knows what He is doing, we so often only see the SCENE we are in, while God sees the whole story. Thats why we walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT. Although I often just want to lay in bed and not go on TRULY living out my day, God is continuously sending out invitations for us! And who would want to ignore that invitation!? Not me. So, although my heart is hurting I know I can lean on God when I am weak because He is CONTINUOUSLY strong, and thats enough for me. I can't see the big picture but my life is better off in Gods hands than my own, so I can't sit here and worry about it. 

Two quick thoughts; 
When you realize your life is in Gods hands you won't be broken when life drops you. 
 and I heard this at a Young Life Leadership Conference "Worry is not believing God will get it right and bitterness is believing that God got it wrong." 

So as you go on about your day, don't worry.. Gods GOT YOU. 

Love you all! 

P.S. If you would like the verses from my devotional for any of those titles let me know! I'd be happy to post some!